Valorem > Corporate Sustainability Model

Corporate Sustainability Model

Valorem > Corporate Sustainability Model

During 2020, Valorem companies carried out an exercise to align their Corporate Sustainability Model with the 2030 agenda of the United Nations (UN). This was done in order to update the commitments that had been established in relation to the SDGs, taking into account the new reality of the companies due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, monitoring indicators were established, according to the prioritized goals.

In 2021 Valorem and its companies made progress in the initiatives derived from the four Sustainable Development Goals prioritized within the Corporate Sustainability Model.

ODS 5 Gender Equality

Target 5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decisionmaking in political, economic and public life

ODS 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Target 8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value

ODS 12 Responsible Consumption

Target 12.2 By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources

ODS 16 Peace Justice and Strong Institutions

Target 16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms

Material Issues

Generation of value for shareholders

Creating shareholders value

Long-term value for shareholders, taking into account profitability, reputation and risk mitigation to ensure business continuity.
Generation of value for shareholders
Good governance and business ethics

Corporate Governance and Ethics

Implementation of good practices for governing bodies, accountability processes and decision-making.
Good governance and business ethics
Talent development and well-being

Talent Wellness and Development

Personal and professional development opportunities for employees, framed in the principles of balance of life and general well-being.
Talent development and well-being
Responsible investment

Responsible Investment

Investments that maximize the creation of sustainable value in the long-term considering the triple bottom line (economic, social and environmental).
Responsible investment
Care and good use of resources

Care and Good Use of Resources

Actions developed within the framework of a culture for responsible management of natural resources and mitigation of environmental impacts generated by the operation and supported by the implementation of technologies that facilitate it.
Care and good use of resources

Government model

In order to achieve the effective implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Model and to give it the strategic importance and relevance required, a government model was structured whose highest decision-making body is the board of directors of Valorem. Each material issue is managed by a member of the Valorem executive committee whose responsibility is to direct and take the pertinent actions to advance in the fulfillment of the proposed objectives and goals.

The sustainability committee is formed by the members of the Valorem executive committee and the sustainability leaders of each company in the group. Its objective is to define guidelines, to promote the implementation of cross-cutting actions, identify synergies, share success stories and extend knowledge related to sustainable practices.

The deployment of actions towards the group companies of is carried out through peer committees per material matter. This work between peers of the companies allows sharing experiences, incorporating learning, applying best practices and developing joint initiatives.

For the purpose of making the commitments and advances of the Corporate Sustainability Model known to its stakeholders, Valorem prepares an annual corporate sustainability report.

Evolution of the Corporate Sustainability Model

____ 2021 ____

  • Presentation of progress on the commitments in each material issue, incorporating the SDGs with their respective management indicators and some related initiatives.

____ 2019 | 2020____

  • Priorization in each company of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to identify, structure, develop and implement initiatives that allow defining measureable commitments and goals that contribute to their achievement.

____ 2018 ____

  • Exercise of benchmarking best practices (Best in Class) in sustainability for each ot the Grupo Valorem Companies
  • Updating of the roadmap for each material issue

____ 2017 ____

  • Implementation of a plan to close gaps in each company

____ 2016 ____

  • Structuring of the Corporate Sustainability Model
  • Definition of transversal commitments in each material and particular issue for each company

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