Caracol Televisión is the private television channel with highest rating in Colombia and one of the world’s largest distributors of Spanish content. In 2022, it reached 11 years of continuous audience leadership.
Caracol Televisión was founded in 1969 and currently has 1.826 employees. The quality of its contents has positioned it as the preferred channel for Colombian households.
‘La Reina del Flow’, was #1 on the non-English speaking series of Netflix, managing to stay for 11 consecutive weeks.
‘El Rey, Vicente Fernandez’ was the #1 series in the non-English speaking category in Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and the top 10 in countries such as the USA, Spain, Colombia, Argentina and Costa Rica, among others, reaching more than 100 million hours viewed in the first 5 weeks of its worldwide release on Netflix.
Along with the series ‘Arelys Henao, Canto para no llorar’, Caracol TV created the campaign "No podemos callar", a corporate responsibility message on female empowerment. Within a month, the campaign gathered 583 women that spoke out to support victims of gender-based violence. The campaign also distributed relevant information and tools to address this problem.
Bum Box, the podcast universe of Caracol Televisión, Blu Radio, and El Espectador, was launched in 2022 with more than 100 podcasts in different categories relevant to the audience.
Caracol Televisión financial information
Figures expressed in millions of dollars (USD).
Valorem managerial calculations.
*Proforma EBITDA taking operating income and expenses.
It should be noted that only the EBITDA indicator was homologated, so that other items such as net profit and assets are not strictly comparable due to the application in 2019 of the IFRS 16 standard.