Valorem > About us

About us

Valorem > About us

Corporate strategy

Valorem leads a corporate group that grows in a sustainable way through transforming or escalating service companies with disruptive business models, leveraging in its talent and in its corporate prestige.

The greatest challenge of this strategy is to generate competitive value to its businesses, so that they are more valuable by being part of the Valorem Group.

Valorem intervenes in its companies as a strategic architect that shares management and information models and promotes best practices. Through the implementation of corporate projects, common goals are achieved and talent is stimulated.

Some cross corporate projects to be highlighted


Valorem (formerly Valores Bavaria), was created in 1997. In the following years, it carried out a process of portfolio depuration and business reorganization in order to consolidate a group of companies recognized in the sectors of media and entertainment, retail, environmental impact mitigation services, renewable energy, freight transport and real estate projects.


Creation of Valores Bavaria

Portfolio of 129 companies



Beginning of disinvestment stage

Change of name and image to Valorem



Strategic portfolio depuration to 10 companies

Administrative reorganization: corporate government with international standards



Investment in D1 S.A.S ( Tiendas D1)

Equity strengthening



Control of D1 S.A.S is acquired (Tiendas D1)

Sale of Suppla and Biofilm



Unlisted of the Colombian Stock Exchange (bvc)

Excision of Valorem and transformation to S.A.S.



Junta directiva

Alejandro Santo Domingo Dávila

Alejandro Santo Domingo Dávila

Chairman of the Board of Directors

A Member of the Board of AB Inbev, Jacobs Douewe Egberts, Lifetime Fitness, Florida Crystals and Contour Global Plc. In addition, he is Chairman of the Board of Bavaria S.A. and Decameron and a member of the Board of Directors of Caracol Televisión S.A., Comunican S.A., Cine Colombia S.A.S. In the philanthropy sector, he is Chairman of the Board of the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Foundation and of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), a member of the Patronage of the New York Metropolitan Museum; of DKMS, a foundation devoted to fighting blood cancer; of the Bare Feet Foundation and of the Global Advisory Council of Harvard University. He is a graduate of Harvard University.

Carlos Alejandro Pérez Dávila

Carlos Alejandro Pérez Dávila

A member of the directories of Anheuser Busch Inbev SABMiller PLC, SABMiller Latin America, Bavaria S.A., Backus & Johnston S.A.A. in Perú, Cine Colombia S.A.S., Comunican S.A. and Inversiones Cromos S.A. He is Chairman of the Board of Caracol Televisión S.A. He also worked for Goldman Sachs & Co., S.G. Warburg & Co. and in Violy, Byorum & Partners. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School and Cambridge University.

Alberto Preciado Arbeláez

Alberto Preciado Arbeláez

Partner of  Alberto Preciado & Asociados; a member of the directories of Bavaria S.A., Caracol Televisión S.A., Cine Colombia S.A.S., Decameron S.A.S., and Invernac S.A.S. In addition, he is Chairman of the Board of the Caja de Compensación Familiar Cafam, Foreign Trade Advisor for the French Embassy in Colombia and amiable compositeur registered in the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.

Juan Pablo Mejía Prado

Juan Pablo Mejía Prado

He served as an associate for the firm Violy, Byorum & Partners LLC based in New York. A member of the Board of Comunican S.A. A graduate of Finance and International Relations of the Universidad Externado in Bogotá.

Diego Córdoba Mallarino

Diego Córdoba Mallarino

Co-founder and president of Teka Capital. He was president of Valorem and served as an independent investment banker for several years. A member of the Board of Directors of Cine Colombia S.A.S. and Refocosta S.A.S., as well as of the Governing Board of the Universidad de Los Andes.

He is a Business Administrator of the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, and pursued an MBA in the Instituto de la Empresa, in Madrid.

Darío Castaño Zapata

Darío Castaño Zapata

He was president of Valorem and legal representative of Sugranel S.A.S. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Ditransa S.A. and Refocosta S.A.S. He has extensive experience in the brewing industry. He was executive president of the Grupo Santo Domingo breweries in Ecuador, Portugal, Spain, Panama and Perú.

He is a chemical engineer from the Universidad de Antioquia and Master Brewer of the Siebel Institute of Technology in Chicago.

Ricardo Obregón Trujillo

Ricardo Obregón Trujillo

An independent consultant. He has served as president of Carvajal S.A., Procafecol S.A., Bavaria S.A. y Sofasa S.A. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Banco Santander in Colombia and executive president of the Board of Directors of Productos Ramo S.A.

He is a graduate of EAFIT and holds a master’s degree in Latin American economic Development from the University of London and an MBA from the Universidad de Los Andes.

Javier Aguirre Nogués

Javier Aguirre Nogués

An independent consultant and investor. He was a member of the Advisory Board of the Blackstone Group and Senior Advisor for Spain and Portugal. Previously, he was president of Valorem S.A.S., IF Holdings,  New York, IFB, Miami, Texas; of BIF in New York and Miami and, in the Telefónica Group, its president for Chile and a member of its directory in Perú. He started his professional career as vice-president of I.C.C.,  New York, executive vice-president at Extebank, NewYork and representative of the Banco Exterior de España in New York. Later, he was vice-president of strategy and corporate planning and general director at Extebandes, Spain.

He studied Economic Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and Finance and International Business at New York University. 

Juan Carlos García Cañizares

Juan Carlos García Cañizares

Previously, he was vice-president of planning and value chain of Bavaria S.A., and founding partner of Estrategias Corporativas, an investment banking firm for Latin America. He is a member of the board of directors of Bavaria, S.A., Valorem, S.A.S., Inmobiliaria Colonial (Spain), and of the Fundación Génesis, among others.

He is an industrial engineer from the Universidad Javeriana and completed studies on strategy and management development at IMD Switzerland, and an MBA at NYU Stern School of Business, London School of Economics and HEC Paris.



Luis Felipe Arrubla Marín, Presidente de Valorem S.A.S.

Luis Felipe Arrubla Marín


He joined the organization in June 2009 and led the Vice-Presidency of Planning and New Business Development until July 2022, when he assumed the Presidency of the company. He was president of Almagrán S.A and finance director of Invernac & Cía. He is a member of the Board of Directors of D1 S.A.S, Cine Colombia S.A.S., Comunican S.A., Canal Clima S.A.S., Refocosta S.A.S., Ditransa S.A., Gases del Caribe S.A., Terranum S.A.S., and Decameron S.A.S.

He is a civil engineer from the Univerdad de Los Andes and holds a postgraduate degree in Finance of the same university.

Carlos Rave Varón

Carlos Rave Varón

Legal and Corporate Affairs Vice-President

He is the second alternate of the president of Valorem S.A.S. He joined the organization in July 2017, after serving as Legal and Corporate Affairs vice-president of Team Foods Colombia and Corporate Legal Director of the Organización Corona.

He is currently a member of the Boards of Directors of Refocosta S.A.S., Ditransa S.A. and Gases del Caribe S.A.

He is a lawyer of the Universidad Santo Tomás. He has a postgraduate degree in Corporate Law of the Universidad de los Andes.

Alejandro Arboleda López

Alejandro Arboleda López

Financial and Administrative Vice-President

He is the first alternate of the president of Valorem S.A.S. and joined the organization in May 2013. His professional career includes more than nineteen years of experience in management positions in various companies in the real and financial sectors.

He is currently a member of the Boards of Directors of D1 S.A.S., Refocosta S.A.S and Ditransa S.A.

He is a graduate of the Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración, CESA. He has a postgraduate degree in Corporate Finance of the same university.


Percentage of Valorem's ownership in the companies

Caracol Televisión


El Espectador


Cine Colombia


Tiendas D1






San Francisco Investments


Gases del Caribe


*Refers to direct and indirect participation

Grupo Valorem's significant figures

Figures as of 31 December 2022
Figures in millions of dollars
According to the separate or individual financial statements of each company

Grupo Valorem's Sales 2022

Grupo Valorem's Sales 2022

Grupo Valorem's Ebitda 2022

Grupo Valorem's Ebitda 2022

Grupo Valorem's Financial debt 2022*

Grupo Valorem's Financial debt 2022
* Figures correspond to the Gross Debt

Grupo Valorem's Assets 2022

Grupo Valorem's Assets 2022

*Zinea is a company that emerges from the spin-off of Caracol TV in December 2019